Teachers engage in a continuous cycle of planning, facilitating instruction, assessing learning, reflecting on experiences and outcomes, then planning again (and continuing through the cycle). The lesson plan template is the primary tool used in the planning and instruction stages. Compare the “Small Group Guided Reading Lesson Plan” with the “Parts of a Plant Lesson Plan” to determine which is the most effective for meeting the learning needs of early childhood special education students. Address the following questions on the “Evaluating Lesson Plans Template” to complete this assignment: How well do the learning targets/objectives align with the national/state learning standards? Are the learning targets/objectives written well enough? Do the learning activities align with the learning targets/objectives? Are learning activities engaging and developmentally appropriate for the intended group of students? Is there sufficient differentiation to meet the learning needs of the intended students? Include a 250-500 word justification on the template, based on your findings, explaining which lesson plan would be more effective for meeting the learning needs of early childhood and special education students.

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