Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) that discusses the role of inclusive leadership in influencing the organizational culture among a diverse global group of employees. Include the following in your paper: A research-supported discussion of which leadership characteristics wield the greatest influence in the creation of organizational culture. (Benchmarks C3.3:  Evaluate leadership characteristics that create organizational cultures.) A research-supported analysis of the key leadership skills required to create an inclusive organizational culture.  (Benchmarks 5.2: Recognize leadership skills required to create an inclusive organizational culture.) A research-supported  analysis of how inclusive leadership influences decision making in organizations. (Benchmarks C3.4: Integrate varied perspectives in dynamic environments.) A research-supported discussion of how inclusive leadership influences organizational communication in a global environment. How do inclusive leaders communicate to diverse recipients in the global environment? (Benchmarks C5.3: Suggest communication methods appropriate for culturally diverse recipients.) A research-supported discussion of how inclusive leadership influences organizational effectiveness, and competitiveness in a global environment. How could inclusive leadership be applied to meet the challenges and opportunities inherent in a global environment? A research-supported discussion of the effectiveness of inclusive leadership in relation to other leadership models. (Benchmarks C3.2: Select ethical leadership models that shape the organizational culture.)

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