I need this assignment done and please read everything that is needing to be done its 4 parts to the assignment so following everything and every part that the assignment consist of. Everything is listed in the attachments Teacher Consultation [due Mon] Assignment Content During this course, you will complete one of the three Guided Field Experiences in your program requiring you to meet with your field experience teacher, teach lessons to a small or whole group of students, and use assessment to make instructional decisions. This assignment allows you to apply what you have learned and practice important teaching skills in a hands-on experience that is guided by an experienced teacher. Meet with your field experience teacher, in person or over the phone, to discuss the following components of the Guided Field Experience: Guided Field Experience Worksheet , Site Demographics Discuss the demographics of the field experience site. Use your discussion to complete the Site Demographics section of the Guided Field Experience Worksheet. Guided Field Experience Worksheet, Part 1 Discuss the options presented on how to best pre-assess students and select one. Discuss the steps you will follow to analyze the pre-assessment data. Guided Field Experience Worksheet, Part 2 Discuss the grouping strategy and instructional planning considerations for your lesson. Lesson Plan Template Review and discuss the Lesson Plan Template to ensure understanding of all components. Timeline Discuss scheduling for your field experience. Create a timeline for completing the Lesson Plan Template and Guided Field Experience Worksheet requirements by Week 5. Compile the following for submission: Site demographics information Timeline for completing the Lesson Plan Template and Guided Field Experience Worksheet

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