Each student will write a well-developed and thought out essay that discusses their personal philosophy of education and theorists that have influenced their philosophy. Students are to write an essay which includes the following: Personal Information Personal philosophy of education based on your educational experience, theorists, and the results of your philosophy survey. Include and cite a minimum of three theorists/philosophers in your discussion. Use APA format in writing the essay and cite any references that are used. Essays should be no more than three (3) pages. First Page: Title Page >introduction ( mention the 3 philosophies, why do you want to teach) 2, 3, 4 page: mention the theory you would use in your class and what does it state. Give an example on how you would use it in your class. One page per theory. conclusion/wrap up paper – only has to be one paragraph Reference page philosophies that are supposed to be chosen from are: essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, social reconstructionism, existensialism etc. (all options included in survey attached) Attached I send survey needed to be used to answer what philosophies you would mostly use. Philosophy choices have to be from survey.

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