Description: Professionals read and keep current in their fields by reading journal articles and relating them to their practice. Directions: The student will select, read, and review ONE peer-reviewed journal article that relates to a major topic covered in the course competencies and specific topics from our textbook for EDF 1005. This includes curriculum, assessment, history, finance, ethics, or governance. 1. Select ONE-PEER-REVIEWED  journal article written within the past FIVE YEARS that discusses a major topic covered in Education 1005. 2. The article must be a minimum of three 3 PAGES in length excluding cover and reference pages 3. Include the following in a summary/reflection: • Write a summary of the article it has to be 1 page or a page in a half, and has to be citied with a minimum of 3 citied. Which means that you have to make sure the information that was gather in your summary is actually being citied with the actual article. • Write your opinion of the article’s viewpoint, has to be a page. SUPPORT YOUR OPNION with the article. Support your viewpoint with citations from the article and course textbook. • Include how the article relates to our readings and discussions in EDF 1005. 4. ATTACH A COPY OF THE ARTICLE WITH YOUR SUMMARY AND OPNION/REFLECTION!!!!! 5. Use APA format to cite any ideas and reflections in your summary/reflection that are represented in the article.

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