What aspects of the academic and practitioner literature did you find particularly applicable to Dr. Marsh’s scenario? Whose seminal work would you adopt to help you form your strategy to change the organizational culture of this virtual organization? If you were in Dr. Marsh’s position, what is one additional strategy you might have employed to more effectively lead or develop this virtual, globally dispersed team? Provide a rationale for your selected strategy. Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources. To prepare for this Discussion , review the “Leading a Virtual Organization” videos and Case Study Guide and consider the case of business executive Dr. Craig Marsh. Consider how Dr. Marsh built within his organization a culture of employee engagement, one that is conducive to optimal performance management, and a leadership structure appropriate to achieve his goals. Further, consider how Dr. Marsh took into account the perspectives of researchers and practitioners before creating his strategy.

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