ot all disabilities result in language deficits. For those that do, there are often common characteristics of how language is affected by that particular disability. Educators should be familiar with the language deficits that are common within each disability category, as well as the interventions that are often used in school settings to assist with them. Using this week’s readings, and your own independent research, research the following disability categories: Learning Disabilities Intellectual Disabilities Autism Auditory Impairments Acquired Language Disorders Using the provided “Language and Speech Disorder Matrix”, describe characteristics of common language deficits for each disability category. Also, for each disability category, include 1-2 examples of instructional or classroom intervention strategies that can be used to provide optimal learning opportunities for students with these exceptionalities. Be sure to cite your resources within the matrix. You may manipulate the provided “Language and Speech Disorder Matrix” required. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located on the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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