Liberty University BUSI 604 International Business Test 1 •             Question 1 0 out of 2 points (______) and (______) consistently rank as two of the leading suppliers to the United States, making up over 25 percent of total trade to the U.S. Selected Answer: •             Question 2 2 out of 2 points (_____) have been constructed to prevent domestic companies from employing underage workers—even in foreign countries. Selected Answer: •             Question 3 2 out of 2 points The rank of the top five countries (largest to smallest) by GDP as of 2015 are as follows: United States, China, Germany, Japan, and United Kingdom. Selected Answer: •             Question 4 2 out of 2 points (___________) is the official measure of total output of goods and services in a nation’s economy. Selected Answer:            Gross Domestic Product (GDP) •             Question 5 2 out of 2 points Foreign direct investment allows domestic firms to receive capital financing from foreign entities. Selected Answer: •             Question 6 2 out of 2 points (______) was a major contributor to continental trade growth between the United States, Mexico, and Canada because it eased quotas, tariffs, and customs procedures. Selected Answer: •             Question 7 2 out of 2 points The health of a given economy can be measured in part by the number of exports    it has relative to the number and economic value of its imports. Selected Answer: •             Question 8 2 out of 2 points Foreign investment does not include the outbound investment of host country capital into foreign economies. Selected Answer: •             Question 9 0 out of 2 points Multinational corporations (MNCs) are often divided into three broad groups based on (___), (____), and (_____). Selected Answer: •             Question 10 0 out of 2 points United States imports primarily come from the following countries: China, Canada, Mexico, and Germany. Selected Answer: •             Question 11 2 out of 2 points Economic health is considered (______) when a country imports considerably more than it exports. Selected Answer: •             Question 12 2 out of 2 points The (_________) is home to some of the world’s leading hardware and software manufacturers. Selected Answer: •             Question 13 2 out of 2 points Sanctions refer to the taxes on imported goods. Selected Answer: •             Question 14 2 out of 2 points In 1866, the telegraph opened the first transatlantic communications channel to facilitate real-time communication over long distances. Selected Answer: •             Question 15 2 out of 2 points (______) are the characteristics that are unique to an individual’s learning experiences or character. Selected Answer: •             Question 16 2 out of 2 points When a firm in one nation exchanges products, services, resources, or capital with a firm located in another nation, this exchange constitutes a(n) (_________). Selected Answer: •             Question 17 0 out of 2 points Any corporation or enterprise that manages production establishments or delivers services in at least three countries may be considered a MNC. Selected Answer: •             Question 18 2 out of 2 points Improvement in transportation, advances in communications technology, and trade-friendly legislation have all contributed to the desire to produce a seamless global economy. Selected Answer: •             Question 19 2 out of 2 points A low individualism ranking typifies societies of a more collective nature with close ties between individuals. Selected Answer: •             Question 20 2 out of 2 points Government leaders increasingly cite (__________) as a reason for withholding foreign aid or debt relief. Selected Answer: •             Question 21 2 out of 2 points Judaism is a (_______) religion which believes that the world was created by a single, all-knowing divinity. Selected Answer: •             Question 22 2 out of 2 points An (_______) status is one that society as…

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