1. What are your personal thoughts on the use of electronics by children in and out of the classroom? At what ages do you find electronic use most appropriate? What advice would you give parents regarding the appropriate amount of time for electronic use? 2. If you suspected that a student was not receiving proper nutrition at home, what actions might you take? Be specific. 3. In this benchmark assignment, you will be planning a Wellness Fair for the students and families of your kindergarten class. The Wellness Fair will incorporate the mini-lesson plans you previously created in this course. You will also create a digital invitation to the Wellness Fair. Part 1: Mini-Lessons Rationale In preparation for the Wellness Fair, review the health, nutrition, safety, and fitness mini-lessons you designed throughout the course. In 250-500 words, write a rationale explaining your instructional decisions for each wellness lesson. Make sure to include how those decisions directly support the characteristics and needs of the Class Profile students. Part 2: Wellness Fair Event Plan Health, safety, nutrition, and fitness are topics you have been teaching to your kindergarten students through your mini-lessons; however, it is also beneficial to educate the families on the same topics. Therefore, your goal in this section is to design a wellness fair to educate the families on these topics so they can support their children at home more successfully. In order for the fair to be effective, you will need community support to assist in providing educational booths in the areas of health, nutrition, safety, and fitness. For this part of the assignment, you will create a 1,000-1,250 word plan outlining the wellness fair for your students families, including how you will involve the community. Include the following in your plan: · Agenda: Outline the timing for each activity during the event in a simple agenda format. · Welcome: Briefly describe how you will introduce the event to all participants. · Opening Activity: Plan an opening activity for the families and children that will explain the purpose of the wellness event with the community and promote shared values and expectations in creating a healthy, respectful, and challenging learning environment. · Community Resource Booths: Outline four community resource booths that will provide information on health, safety, nutrition, and fitness (one booth per topic). Include a community resource you will invite to represent the topic, 3-4 interesting and important statistics relating to the booths topic and young children, and a 50-100 word description of why that topic is important to the development of young children. Briefly describe how each booth will address the needs of children in the class both with and without exceptionalities, based on the Class Profile. · Closing Activity: Plan a closing activity for the families and children that employs strategies and opportunities to ensure future collaboration with families while pursuing the well-being of students in the areas of health, nutrition, safety, and fitness. · Rationale: Write a 250-500 word rationale explaining how the Wellness Fair supports collaboration between faculty, students, families, and the larger community. In addition, discuss why this collaboration is vital to promoting childrens development and learning, including children with exceptionalities. Support your plan with 2-3 scholarly resources. Part 3: Digital Wellness Fair Invitation Create a digital invitation to promote the Wellness Fair to families, colleagues, and the community as well as share information about the growth of young children in the areas of health, safety, nutrition, and fitness. The invitation should be concise, visually appealing for the audience, encourage participation and collaboration, and include 2-3 resources that support the content. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in t…
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