Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 24 of your textbook and the Walmart Case Study. You will also need to access Walmarts most recent annual report from Walmarts Financial Information page. You can use the annual report to gather additional international data. In this project you will continue to build on your Walmart Case study work from previous courses. Imagine that you have been hired as a data analyst for Walmart. The Walmart executive team has asked you to gather data that will assist them in determining if this foreign market is a viable option for a Walmart expansion. You will continue to research the same region you have chosen to expand to in precious courses. *Use Your Chosen Region (The Philippines)* Your Project will be comprised of two parts. In Part 1 you will be required to gather and analyze data for your case study paper. Walmart Expansion Analysis Final Project, Part 1: Walmart Case Study Paper (17 points) You have been tasked with collecting and analyzing key data points that will assist Walmart in their decision to expand to your chosen region. In Part I, you will gather data from various sources, use the tools learned throughout this class to analyze data, and determine the best way to present this data to the Walmart executive team. Finally, you will make a recommendation on whether or not this foreign market is a viable option for a Walmart expansion. Note: It is not ok to not recommend an expansion to your chosen region. So remember to justify your recommendation. Step 1: Data Collection As a data analyst, you will be required to locate data from multiple sources. It is recommended that you use the Mergent Database in the student Library, the Business Insight Global database in the Library, and Walmarts latest Annual Report to begin your data collection. These databases should serve as a guide for your research. You are expected to identify additional data sources that will be useful in your analysis. You may wish to gather data for countries that are closest to your region for comparison. Accessing Walmarts annual report: You can find Walmarts most recent annual report on their Financial Information page. You can use the annual report to gather additional international data. Here are some examples of data that may be useful to an analyst: Under Item 1: Business, in the Walmart International Segment, you may wish to gather data for retail unit count and retail square feet for all available fiscal years for the country or continent closest to your region. For example, if you are looking to expand in Egypt, you will use the data for Africa. In the Item 2: Properties section of the report, you may wish to gather data for the owned and leased properties for the country or continent closest to your region. In the Results of Operations section of the report, look for Walmart International Segment. You may wish to gather data for net sales, operating income, and unit counts at period end for all available fiscal years. You will likely need to gather more data to make your case. You are encouraged to seek out additional data points that will assist you in your analysis. Other data points you may want to consider include, but are not limited to Gross national income Population and demographic data Key economic metrics, including current economic status, inflation, etc. Labor market data, including average wage, unemployment rate, cost of living, etc. Market environment Foreign exchange Credit environment outlook Here are some suggested databases to get you started. These databases may not have all the information you need to make a full evaluation. You may need to conduct your own research to find useful databases that house the data you need to conduct your analysis. International Labour Organizations ILOSTAT The World Banks Doing Business Data The World Banks DataBank Step 2: Analyzing the Data Now that you have gathered your data, you will need to determi…
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