Business Law class: In the United States, two primary sources of law govern contracts: the common law and the Uniform Commercial Code. I have provided a cell phone services contract from AT&T. 6A (SKIM AND ANALYZE) AT&T Terms of Service (Table of Contents).pdf 6B (SKIM AND ANALYZE) AT&T Terms of Service.pdf 6C (SKIM) AT&T Additional Terms for Enterprise Customers.pdf Using the language from Chapter 6, please analyze the services contract — As a preliminary matter, is this contract governed by the UCC or common law? Define each of the following terms: offer, acceptance, and consideration. Next, discuss where each of these terms appear in the AT&T services contract. Define each of the following terms: performance, breach, and remedies. Next, discuss where each of these terms appear in the AT&T services contract. To receive credit, you must post a thoughtful, well-worded response of at least 10 sentences.

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