••• Instructions •••
1- in 500-750 words, answer the pertinent question and explore the relevant topic. Defend any arguments you make using the source at hand.
2- Be certain to let me know within the introduction the argument you intend to follow.
3- Then, give evidence for your belief, analysis and interpretation of that evidence, and your conclusions.
•••Paper layout•••
1- paper must be cited throughout.
2- You should do this in Chicago Style (author, title of source, publication date, and page number if you can find one) or by footnote[1].
•••The Assignment•••
Read “The Mytilenian Debate” and “The Melian Dialogue” on Blackboard as well as The West in Question 4 (Section 3). What happens when a democracy tries to be an imperial power? Are there compromises to be made in how a democracy treats others?
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