Administrating Palliative Medication

The topic I decided to investigate on is the administration of palliative medication. Palliative medication refers to the process of supporting patients who are going through veryserious illnesses and their chances of survival are minimal


1. If you have a tool you want to use to ask your participants, tell me about that tool/instrument/questionnaire/survey here.

2. If you do not have a tool/instrument/questionnaire/survey, then you must create questions/statements for your study to ask your participants. So here, I am expecting a set of 5-10 questions/statements that you plan to ask your study participants in this response!

3. Finally, Consider how you will establish validity and reliability if the tool is self designed. Hint: It is best for you to select a tool that already has validity and reliability already established

In essence, your discussion post should include the following:
1. Measurement tool
2. Description of the tool
3. Established reliability and validity
4. Include scoring information.
5. Demographic tool.

Remember to use nursing evidence-based practice references as you collect information on your topic.

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