Read Hospital M&A form link: When done well, M&A can achieve valuable outcomes. From the article, we learn that Mergers and Acquisitions (M &A) have been increasing since 2009, as the industry seeks to scale. The article provides quantitative and qualitative research to understand the impact of M&A activity on acquired hospitals. The aspects that were identified as having led to successful M& A include:

1. Bringing integration team leaders into the transaction process early and
2. Deploying best-practice project management techniques

After much negotiation, the healthcare company you work in, will be acquiring a smaller healthcare company and a related physician practice in the area. You have been placed in charge of the Acquisition team for this project.

Executive Proposal
Present to senior management a 3-4-page executive proposal of how you would implement the said acquisition. Specifically explain (1) how and (2) why you would incorporate the aspects identified, and (3) the consequences of not incorporating these two aspects.

The paper should be well-written and meet the following requirements:

  • 3-4 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages)
  • Formatted according to APA 6th.
  • Include at least 4 current references from peer-reviewed articles.
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