Instructions In this assignment, you will perform a multiple regression analysis inside of Microsoft Excel. Walk through the example regression problem. Learn by Marketing. (2018). Linear regression by hand and in Excel (Links to an external site.) . Retrieved from Now complete a secondary regression using the changed data table you can download here data-marketing-budget-12mo-version2 [Excel file] Complete a multiple regression using the data “Use Sales as the Y Range and Social Media, Web and Print as the X-Range. Include residuals, line-fit plots, and Normal probability plots. Read: Regression analysis in Excel QIMacros. (2018). Regression analysis in Excel (Links to an external site.) . Retrieved from Watch Multiple Regression Interpretation in Excel. This video provides an example of interpreting multiple regression output in excel: Analyze what you are able to determine from the regression: Regression statistics Equation of the line Effects of variation of spend in Social Media and Web
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