Requirements of Submission: Students will further expand their understanding of color in an advanced full color still life. The project should meet the following criteria and be created with watercolor pencil on watercolor paper:  A consistent, identifiable light source  Two flowers. It is recommended that the student acquire fake flowers. They are available at local craft, hobby, and department stores for a very low price. The student can expect to spend $3–$5

Requirements of Submission: Students will further expand their understanding of color in an advanced full color still life. The project should meet the following criteria and be created with watercolor pencil on watercolor paper:

 A consistent, identifiable light source

.  One object (like a vase) to hold the two flowers. However, students are encouraged to get creative with it (for example, a shoe, can, or wine bottle could also fulfill this requirement). These three objects should touch and “interact” with each other in some way.  Cast shadow should be present, but the surface and background may be simplistic (i.e., solid color, minimal details, etc.). Primarily focus on the subjects.  Renditions should be realistic in appearance, drawn from direct observation and not stylistically rendered. This means literally setting up your composition and viewing it as you draw. Students will submit their project in Module Six through the use of a digital camera or scan their work either at home or via an outside source (e.g., office supply store).

Along with their project, a self-critique should be submitted explaining the student’s approach and challenges. It should be no less than 250 words

Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.

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