One of the primary qualities that student work in this class is expected to demonstrate is an ability to back up the arguments being made with credible sources in a recognizable citation format. The Annotated Bibliography assignment is designed to help you develop your skills in identifying sources relevant to your topic and assessing these sources’ credibility along multiple metrics.

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations of reputable sources (e.g., articles and videos on the web) related to your technology topic. A citation and a brief annotation should be provided for each source, and these entries should include a summary of the material along with assessments of the relevance, accuracy, currency, and quality of the information. The relevant and reputable sources you select for your topic and include in your Annotated Bibliography should be formatted according to APA guidelines – 6th edition (i.e., an annotated “Reference List”).


Topic: Smart Houses


IMPORTANT: You MUST select a technology topic from the topics list. Using an unapproved topic (i.e., a topic not on the list) will be a fifty point deduction off the assignment grade.

Each student will research and identify 8 relevant and reputable information sources for their topic. These eight sources should demonstrate:

Your ability to identify scholarly as well as non-scholarly sources relevant to your topic. (Minimum of 2, but no more than 4.)

Your ability to identify video and audio materials relevant to your topic. (Minimum of 2, but no more than 4.)

Your ability to identify sources that are primarily oriented towards reporting statistical data. (Minimum of 2, but no more than 4.)

Your ability to identify a range of credible outlets of information (repeating the same publication for multiple sources will result in a -5 point deduction each time a source is repeated).

The first page of your Annotated Bibliography should begin with the title of your chosen topic and Your Name (e.g., Designer Genetics – Annotated Bibliography by Mary Smith).

The first paragraph of your Annotated Bibliography should present a brief overview of your topic and then introduce one question related to your technology that you think is potentially interesting enough to answer with regards to this topic. Be sure to include a sentence or two explaining why you think this question is interesting or useful to answer.

After your introductory paragraph, list out the eight information sources in alphabetical order. An example of a single source with annotation is provided below.


Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry following APA style:

Murphy, H. (2019, January 21). Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You: The DNA ‘Magic Box’. New York Times. Retrieved from:… (Links to an external site.)

This newspaper article will be useful in addressing the challenges of introducing new technology into the criminal justice system. The article describes the use of Rapid DNA machines which permit the analysis and evaluation of DNA systems by police departments without needing to send samples out to external labs. This technology can provide reports on evidence collected at crime scenes much more quickly, but experts point to potential issues with samples collected in problematic fashions. Data collected on innocent parties is also likely to remain linked to criminal investigations. The New York Times, who published the article, is a trusted news outlet; and the article references several experts in the field in its coverage and provides their institutional affiliations to document their expertise. While the Times is a commercial publisher, there is no apparent financial benefit on conflict apparent with the article’s publication. The indications are strong that the information provided is accurate. The article was published in 2019 on the NYT website, which makes it current for the topic of genetic analysis.


Each of the eight information source annotations are to include the following:

Citation formatted according to APA (6th edition) style.

Annotation with full bibliographic information containing the following:

Summary of the article (or video/audio) that includes a description of the article or video. (Note: the summary must be paraphrased in your own words. Do not use direct quotes from the information source!)

Relevance of information source (How is the information source – article or video – directly relevant to your topic? Why did you choose this source? Support how this source is relevant.)

Accuracy and currency of information source (Is the information in the source accurate and up-to-date?)

Quality of the information (Is the information source objective and reliable? Does the author possess credentials or experiences that would provide authority on this topic?)

NOTE: Each annotation is at least 5-7 sentences and/or 150 words in length.

For an example of what a finished bibliography would look like, see uploaded file on the document. This sample includes correct APA citations for eight real sources that include examples of the kinds of sources you’re required to find for this assignment, but has mocked up text for the introduction and annotations.



University of Alberta Quick Guide for APAPreview the document, also available at:… (Links to an external site.)

Creating an Annotated Bibliography (with samples) by Trinity University’s Coates Library; (Links to an external site.)

Creating APA Annotated Bibliographies (with samples) by Bethel University Library;… (Links to an external site.)

Annotated Bibliographies by The OWL at Purdue Online Writing Lab; (Links to an external site.)

The Owl at Purdue Creating an APA Reference List: Electronic Sources (this is a useful resource for preparing an electronic database source such as a journal article in the Reference List);… (Links to an external site.)











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Research Sources

0-39 points

40-46 points

47-53 points

54-60 points


Unsatisfactory research effort is evident – missing multiple required (8) sources and/or the sources generally are not relevant or reputable and/or lack a mix of articles and videos from the web.

Limited research effort is evident and/or may be missing one of the required (8) research sources and/or a source may not be adequately relevant and reputable. Distribution of materials may not match the parameters described for the assignment.

Research effort is evident with the required (8) research sources that are relevant and reputable for the most part. Distribution of the material over scholarly, non- scholarly, statistics, and multimedia material is within the described parameters for the assignment.

Substantive research effort is evident with at least the required (8) research sources that are relevant and reputable and obtained from articles and videos on the web. Distribution of the material over scholarly, non- scholarly, statistics, and multimedia material is within the described parameters for the assignment.

NOTE: Missing sources result in a ten point deduction per missing source.

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0-39 points

40-46 points


47-53 points


54-60 points

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Annotations are generally lacking, missing, and/or incomplete in meeting the required criteria and/or do not support the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the information source to the technology topic.

Annotations for the research sources minimally describe the required criteria or are missing one of the required criteria for the assignment.

Annotations for the research sources adequately describe the required criteria for the assignment, for the most part.

All annotations for the research sources clearly describe all the required criteria for the annotation:, and also fully assesses the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the information source to the technology topic.


0-15 points

16-23 points



24-26 points

27-30 points

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Poor writing style lacking in standard English, clarity, language used, and/or frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Sources, if included, are not cited properly following APA guidelines (6th edition). Needs work.

Average and/or casual writing style that is sometimes unclear and/or with some errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Some sources may not be cited properly following APA guidelines (6th edition).

Above average writing style using standard English with minor errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Sources are cited properly following APA guidelines (6th edition) for the most part.


Well written using standard English, characterized by elements of a strong writing style and basically free from grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors. Sources are cited properly following APA guidelines (6th edition).

NOTE: Missing citations result in a 3 point deduction per missing citation.

Malformed APA citations result in a 1-2 point deduction per malformed citation.

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