Identify a theory that uses a concept of interest that might be applied in research and nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration). The purpose of this paper is for you to describe and evaluate the theory using the following criteria.  This is a professional paper in which headings, full sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar and punctuation, and correct citation of sources are required. The Theory is “Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms. By Lenz et all”. Introduction . Identify your concept of interest and briefly discuss why you chose that concept (explain whether it was observed in clinical practice, identified from relevant literature, or some other reason.)  Identify the theory (that utilizes your concept of interest) which will be described and evaluated in this paper. Give the reader a sense of what to expect in this paper.  The introduction should be one very short paragraph , and there should not be a heading for the introduction. Theory Description .  Provide a brief description of the theory using an original source or as close to the original source as possible.   Include a brief discussion of the origins of the theory and the scope/level (grand, middle range, practice/situation specific) of the theory.  Identify the major concepts of the theory and discuss how they are related (propositions).  Pick two of the concepts, including your concept of interest, and state the theoretical definitions of these concepts.  (30 points) Application of Theory to Research . Find two published, original sources in which researchers used the theory as a framework to support their research.  Briefly discuss how those researchers utilized the theory to support their research.  Include in the discussion of each study the purpose of the study, how the researchers used the theory in their study, how the concept of interest was used in their study, and how the researchers operationally defined the concept of interest. (20 points) Application of Theory to Practice. Briefly discuss how the theory might be used to support nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration).  Include in the discussion the purpose of the practice application and how the concept of interest might be operationally defined in practice.  Provide an example of how you might use the theoretical and operational definitions of your concept of interest in your future practice or research.  Include a potential practice question based on the propositions of your theory. (20 points) Theory Evaluation .  Briefly discuss whether/how the theory appears to be accurate/valid (based on empirical testing of the theory as discussed above).  Discuss generalizability of the theory.  Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the theory.  Briefly discuss whether/how the theory is congruent with current nursing standards and current nursing interventions or therapeutics.  Explain whether/how the theory is relevant socially and cross-culturally.  Describe briefly how the theory might contribute to the discipline of nursing.  (20 points) Style & Format. The paper will include a title page (using specified format),  7-8  pages of text, and a reference list.  It will be double-spaced, written in 12-point Times New Roman font, and have 1-inch margins.  Professional and orderly presentation of ideas (precision, clarity, format, headings, grammar, spelling, & punctuation) with appropriate citation of sources in text and reference list is required.  Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each type of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error. (10 points)

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