Subject: How is the economy affected by the natural world?

The Signature Assignment has 2 parts.

The first part is a 2-page position paper about a topic of your choice.

The second part is a Reflection Letter (one page following the first part above, Times New Roman,

font 12, singled spaced). The Reflection Letter, addressing to your professor, is to reflect on what

you have done and wish to do in your position paper. In your letter, please briefly answering

following questions:

– What is your topic and where do you stand on that topic?

– List at least one strong and weak points of your paper

– What are the Economic concepts, theories or models that you use to support your arguments

– How do you want to improve your arguments in general? What do you need or wish to do

in order to improve your argument in this paper?

– Name at least one new and interesting theory or concept that you have learnt in this Econ

class (it does not matter whether you used it in your paper or not).

– Name at least one puzzling theory or concept that you have learnt in this Econ class.

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