For this assignment, compare and contrast two communication techniques that can be used to improve employee trust

and engagement. Feel free to use the channels or techniques discussed in “Communication Provides Foundation for

Being a Best Place to Work” by Kathleen Skidmore-Williams—an article that is located in the Unit IV Required Reading

section—or feel free to research your own.

Your assignment should include the components below:

 Explain why communication is essential in an organization.

 Explain the ways that effective communication improves employee trust and engagement. Focus on

comparing/contrasting two types of channels or techniques (e.g., on-site meetings, employee surveys,


 Explain the types of situations where each channel or technique would be most effective. Provide examples and

facts for your audience. Avoid simply offering an opinion; rely on valid, academic research.

APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length. Content, organization, and

grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

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