I have couple problems that i need to be solved. I am going to post the problems here, and attach a file to solve the problems. without the file you can’t solve any problem. in the problems it says that this problem refer to digram in the file, so just go check the file.

watch out the numbers are different than the ones in the file.

Problem 5 (4 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.19 for: Use 2.2 Mg, 1.3 Mg, 0.5 Mg, 3.9 Mg, 7.9 m, 3.2 m, 7.6 m and 14.1 m instead of 2 Mg, 1.5 Mg, 0.5 Mg, 6 Mg, 7.5 m, 4 m, 9.5 m and 12.5 m.

( ) = ________________ ( ) = ________________

Problem 6 (3 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.20 for: Use 2.2 Mg, 1.3 Mg, 0.5 Mg, 7.9 m, 3.2 m, 7.6 m and 14.1 m instead of 2 Mg, 1.5 Mg, 0.5 Mg, 7.5 m, 4 m, 9.5 m and 12.5 m

= ________________

Problem 7 (4 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.23 for: Use 60 N, 61°, 381 mm, 270 mm instead of 50 N, 60°, 400 mm and 300 mm

= ________________ = ________________

Problem 8 (3 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.28 for: Use 119 N m, = 296 mm, = 273 mm, 35°, and 18° instead of 120 N m, = 300 mm, =300 mm, 30° and 15°.

= ________________

Problem 9 (3 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.34 for: Use 2.5 m, 4.3 m, 3.1 m, 6.5 m, 750 N, and 444 N instead of 2 m, 3 m, 2.5 m, 6 m, 780 N and 420 N.

= __________________________

Problem 10 (3 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.37 for: Use 420 mm, 450 mm, 175 mm, 230 mm, 45°, 35°, and 65 N instead of 400 mm, 300 mm, 200 mm, 250 mm, 40°, 30°, and 80 N

= __________________________________

Problem 11 (3 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.38 for:

= _______________________________________________

Problem 14 (5 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.49 for: Use 28 N, 65°x-axis to F, 50° y-axis to F, 85 mm, 102 mm x-y panel, and 125 mm instead of 30 N, 60° x-axis to F, 60° y-axis to F, 50 mm, 100 mm x-y panel and 100 mm. Must calculate the required third angle – Do not blindly use 45°).

= ________________ = ________________ = ________________ = ________________ = ________________

Problem 15 (4 pts) Refer to Hibbeler problem 3.51 for: Use 315lb, 5.6 ft, 2.3 ft, 5.45 ft, 1.5 ft, 3.2ft, and 4.7 ft instead of 300 lb, 6 ft, 2.5 ft, 5.5 ft, 2 ft (from z-axis to C), 2ft (from z-axis to B) and 4 ft.


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