a.A clear introductory paragraph with an argument. The introduction should also state which sources you are using to prove your argument.

b.Body paragraphs should be well-organized, and include textual evidence and analysis. This includes quoted material with citations.

c.The paper should be well-revised and edited.

Proper citations:

You do not need to use any outside sources except for class readings and lectures. Each time you quote, you need to attribute that statement to a relevant source.

Selections from textbook:

Levack, “The Italian Renaissance and Beyond,” in Revel The West: Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume, 5e (2018). Accessed at https://revel.pearson.com/#/courses/5d4851e9e4b0006047d5605c/player?pageId=a286a674be6c8e69c7498cbaf138c54a00318f488-id_toc767.

Selections from documents:

(at the end of each document, the e-book provides a footnote for the document. Copy that information, then copy the URL.)

Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince, Luigi Ricci, trans. (London: Grant Richards, 1903), pp. 36–43, 60–61. Accessed at https://revel.pearson.com/#/courses/5d4851e9e4b0006047d5605c/player?pageId=a1d758d95a7359d011994a09ebb028a2712d8b121


Junko Takeda, “Political and Religious Strife” (Lecture: week 2 lecture 1), September 4, 2019.

Subsequent Citations:

Give author’s name, short title. For example: Machiavelli, “The Prince.”

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