Locate an online report or poll that uses a quantitative study within Human Services and/or the social sciences.

I attached the article I found to prepare the Fact Sheet on. If you feel it is not a good article you are free to search for another. However, it needs to be on my research interest which is AYA’s and cancer care.

Prepare a fact sheet that focuses on the article you select. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is/are the research question(s) being asked in the study?
  2. Who is the target population?
  3. What theory is being used to guide this study, if any?
  4. What measurement tools are being used; what specifics are given regarding the methodology?
  5. What did the results show or not show?
  6. How is this applicable to something within the Human Services field?

Your fact sheet should contain 1-2 pages of content. In addition, you must create your own image (chart or graph) that aligns with a portion of the content. The fact sheet does not require APA in-text citations, but a reference list should be included that provides all the citation information for the article. The reference sheet (not included in the page count) must adhere to APA requirements.

If you are not familiar with developing a fact sheet, please review the following information: Human Services Council Fact Sheet (Links to an external site.).

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