75-150 word response to the question(s) below. Please, include in your responses, any personal or professional experience lived in the past, or present and a question derived from your research to the class. Post your answers identifying a, b, and c in your response.

1. a) How does Target compete against mammoth Walmart, which has four times the revenue? What are the distinct differences in their marketing communications

2. b) Why is marketing management criticized for ad expenditures?

3. c) Why is it important to evaluate communications and sales effects?

4. What are the various methods used to make marketing communications more effective?

5. What role does technology play in public relations?

6. What has Facebook done well and why haven’t others copied all aspects of their marketing plan?

7. What are the characteristics of a successful brand strategy? (This questions goes with a video)

8. Positive and negative effects of technological PR

References: Kotler, P.T. & Keller, K.L. (2016). Marketing Management (15th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

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