First of all, I am 24 years old women and english is my second languge and I want you to keep it as simple as you can.

second I want my paper to be writen on the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Qatar now. Also, would you pls upload me with the sources that you will be working on so I can send them to my professor to prove them. Describe a real, current conflict between two countries, using at least one news article published sometime after August 1, 2017, as a source. No more than 2 pages, double-spaced. Your summary should be well-written (with correct grammar and punctuation). The article you use should be from a mainstream news source (New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, BBC, Wall Street Journal,and so on). Note that the assignment is to describe a conflict, not to summarize an article. If you are using a source that does not help you fully describe the conflict, then find a different source.

Your description must include the following:

  • What countries are involved in the conflict?
  • What is the object of contention? How do their goals differ?
  • Are either (or both) of the countries using threats to try to get what they want? Are they using violence?

Grades will be based on three things:

  • Writing. The paper must have a clear thesis, stated early. The rest of the paper should contain facts and logic that support the thesis, and should properly cite sources. Sources must be cited properly, using a consistent citation format (e.g. MLA, APA, or Chicago).
  • Analysis of conflict. You must show through the paper that you understand what “conflict” is.
  • Description of the specific situation. You must show a basic understanding of the details of the conflict you choose.
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