Overview: The final project for this course is the creation of a detailed business plan of a real or fictitious company, corporation, or organization. Based on the knowledge obtained in this course and previous course work, create a business plan for a chosen company. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency, because it requires you to bring together the concepts covered in this course and apply them in a specific and practical way.

Main Elements:
You will create a business plan based on the following guidelines.

  • The business that you choose should be a small business that is a fictitious business that you will propose, an actual small business with which you are familiar, or a franchise opportunity that you would like to explore.
  • The business can be based on a product or a service.
  • The business plan requirements have been provided for your ongoing reference in the Module One Resources content area

Format:Each section should be approximately one to two pages long for each part and reference your resource(s) using APA formatting.

Part Two: Environmental and Industry Analysis

Business Plan Part Two: Environmental and Industry Analysis. The format should be:

  • An environmental and industry analysis of your company.
  • The internal section of the environmental analysis assesses the strengths and weaknesses of your company.It identifies what it is that your company can do well, as well as what it can do better.
  • The external section of the environmental analysis assesses the opportunities and threats of your company.It identifies trends and changes that are happening outside of your control, such as at the local, national, and international level that can influence the future of your small business. Such categories as economic, competitive, legal, political, cultural, and technological can all affect your business and should be included in this milestone.
  • Also, you will do an industry analysis that will describe the industry within which your business will operate. Focus on specific industry trends.
  • Your essay should be from 800–1000 words in length.

Part Three: Management Team and Manufacturing Operations Plan

Business Plan Part Three: Management Team and Manufacturing Operations Plan. The format should be:

  • An outline of the planned geographic location of your business, as well as what types of facilities your business needs. If yours is a manufacturing business, you will outline what you will produce and what you will purchase as components to your finished product. Discuss your control systems for inventory, purchasing, and production.
  • If your business is a service business, focus on your location, overhead, and labor force productivity.
  • Discuss your management team. What technical skills, business skills, and experience do the members of your management team have? How do the skills of the team complement each other? Include in this milestone a brief job description of each key member of the management team.
  • Your outline should include an organizational chart, and resumes of key managers may be included.
  • You should also discuss how the key managers will be compensated.
  • Finally, you should outline which management training your key leaders may have had and what type of training might still be needed.
  • This part should be from 800–1000 words in length.
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