Assignment 2: Federal Guidelines


Create a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following:

  • Identify the federal guidelines—statutory, case law, and APA—for psychological tests.
  • Describe some of the cases influential in bringing about the federal government’s involvement in the use of tests in the forensic setting.
  • Determine the effect of the federal guidelines in ensuring whether assessment reports are accurate and unbiased.

Submission Details:

  • By Wednesday, September 13, 2017, save your paper as M2_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the M2 Assignment 2 Dropbox.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Identified and described the federal guidelines for psychological tests.


Identified and described some of the cases influential in bringing about the federal government’s involvement in the use of tests in the forensic setting.


Analyzed the effect of the federal guidelines in ensuring whether assessment reports are accurate and unbiased.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




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