
“Adam” by Erdrich

1] What is Erdrich’s argument in this essay? State it in detailed, complete sentences. Is she persuasive? (Explain why or why not). What do you think is the most compelling/persuasive/memorable passage in this story? Quote a few lines from the passage and tell why you chose it.

“Imagine There’s No Heaven” by Rushdie

2] Look up information on Rushdie’s life and tell why his life experiences might explain how he came to have the opinions put forth in his essay. ALSO, what does Rushdie say about all religions? Be specific. What would Rushdie replace them with? Do you think this would work – and why or why not?

“Life Boat Ethics” by Hardin

3] According to Hardin, what is “lifeboat ethics”? Explain in your own words. What do we (the U.S.) owe other nations? What is the “tragedy of the commons”? Which parts of this argument do you agree (and disagree) with? This essay was written some time ago, so do you think it is relevant to our world today? Explain your answer.

Barbara Harris Interview (Moth Radio) – “Paying Women Not to Have Children”

4] What idea did Harris come up with to help the problem of babies being born into addiction? What events in her life prompted her to take this initiative?

5] What complaints do Harris’ opponents have about her plan/initiative? Do you think any of their objections are valid?

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