This is a group project and I have the International and Global Strategies part. Below is an example of how and what should be written. The company my group is focusing on is TARGET. You would have to do research on target and focus mostly on its’ marketing and management aspect.
If you need more information or details please let me know. 🙂
A. Concepts
1. Global Efficiencies: One of the three means of competitive advantage available to companies that function on a global scale. Global efficiencies include methods to lower costs of production, improve product quality, lower marketing costs, and overall enhance their profits by using their vast global scope to make operations more efficient.
2. Worldwide Learning: Another aspect of competitive advantage for global businesses; this concept deals with learning about what works for the firm in one country or market and then transferring this knowledge to the rest of the company’s branches.
3. Global Strategy: This is a strategy where a company sees the entire world as one marketplace and strives to fulfill its customer’s needs with a standardized product or service. This strategy also includes a central headquarters to coordinate production and decision-making issues.
A. Analysis
1. In 2009, Starbucks opened a fourth plant in the U.S. and shortly thereafter a plant in Amsterdam for processing and roasting the coffee beans (this part of global efficiencies called location efficiencies). This has enabled the Company to lower production and transportation costs as the beans travel in shorter distances, arrive faster, and therefore travel through production quicker and more efficiently.
2. Starbucks has nearly 18,000 stores in 60 countries. Starbucks strives for a perfectly standardized product (including their coffee, teas, pastries, other food items, and licensed products sold in other retail outlets) available to all its stores worldwide. Another characteristic of a global strategy is Starbucks’ centralized headquarters in Seattle, Washington. The Starbucks Corporation’s Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the Company’s corporate affairs (and consequently the affairs of the entire company) and for ensuring that these affairs and business practices meet the goals, objectives, and long-term interests of the company, its shareholders, and the customers 10
3. In 1991, Starbucks found there was a need for their coffee in airports; they opened their first licensed airport store in Seattle’s Sea-Tac International Airport. There are now licensed Starbucks locations in airports literally across the globe.
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