Assignment4 – Applying different scales of measurement

Purpose: To develop an instrument applying different scales of measurement.

Researchers have estimated that about one-third of our edible global food supply goes uneaten (Block et al. 2016). Your research question or problem is to understand food waste during the preacquisition, acquisition, consumption and disposition stages of consumer decision making.

You may consider the following general, open-ended questions as starting point:

  • How often do you actively think about food waste while choosing, preparing, consuming, or disposing of your food?
  • How do you decide when to throw food away versus utilize it for another purpose? Is it a matter of habit, effort, hunger, or maybe even a rule of thumb?
  • Reflect on the instances in the past when you have wasted food. How could public policies motivate consumers like you to establish waste-reducing behaviors?

Your task consists in developing a paper-and-pencil questionnaire to administer a survey. (Please do not collect data).

  • Include survey instructions.
  • Adapt the provided questions above and/or generate new closed-ended items including the following response categories:
    • At least two items using a nominal scale.
    • At least two items using an ordinal scale.
    • At least four items using an interval scale (each one with 5 response categories, including one don’t know/not applicable category).
    • At least two items using a ratio scale.
  • Include relevant demographic questions at the end of the survey.


  • All assignments should be typed. Please use Times New Roman font, 12 pt.
  • Be precise, concise and to the point.
  • Your assignment should be submitted via Blackboard-Assignments/Projects tab.
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