Website used will be

This assignment will be in essay format

1. Describe the information that can be obtained from the BLS website and how this information could be helpful to a hospitality management student.

2. Under “Wages, Earnings and Benefits”, determine the average annual salary for both food service managers and lodging managers. How does the state you live in compare to the national average for these occupant?

3. Click on “occupational outlook handbook” link. Search for both lodging managers or food service managers. Describe the information that is available from BLS regarding these two occupations. What is the employment outlook for these two occupations?

As I said before this will be in essay format including an intro, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. This needs to be well written but as much as I appreciate it, not perfect for I am not a powerhouse of a student in this class. It should have some errors. Cannot be any higher than 20% on turn it in, please attach a copy of the report. Thank you so much in advance.

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