Utilizing Business Source Premier through the University Library’s databases (link provided in the Getting Started folder), locate and review the following articles:

Badaracco, J. L. (2016). How to tackle your toughest decisions. Harvard Business Review, 94(9), 104-107.

Cappelli, P.; Singh, H.; Singh, J. V.; & Useem, M. (2010). Leadership lessons from India. Harvard Business Review, 88(3), 90-97.

Francesca, G. (2018). The business case for curiosity. Harvard Business Review, 96(5), 48-57.

Furr, N.; Dyer, J. H.; & Nel, K. (2019). When your moon shots don’t take off. Harvard Business Review, 97(1), 112-117.

Kanter, R. M. (2011). Zoom in, zoom out. Harvard Business Review, 89(3), 112-116.

Vermeulen, F. & Sivanathan, N. (2017). Stop doubling down on your failing strategy: How to spot (and escape) one before it’s too late. Harvard Business Review, 95(6), 110-117.

Following your review, share a 500-word synopsis of the strategic thinking, decision making, and innovation concepts discussed. This posting should not be a series of articles reviews. Instead, it should be a synthesis of the readings. This posting should be completed using APA formatting (in-text citations and references).

This initial post should be completed by Sunday at 11:00 p.m. EST. After you submit the initial posting, return to the forum and review the findings of your classmates. Post a meaningful comment or question (150 words minimum) to the postings of one (1) classmate. Peer postings should be completed by Monday at 11:00 p.m. EST.

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