I have a programming project that I need help with. I have a code map “Pseudocode” for a game that runs on microcontroller and it needs to be filled.

It has to be in c language, and it needs to include at least one subprogram in assembly language I’m using Micro-controller AT89C51CC03, 8051.

crystal speed 28.2078 MHz

I have the full instructions and code map attached, including other useful stuff

Write a code in C language and assembly language to create a Pong game.

Detailed instructions are attached and need to be reviewed before starting.

OPTIONAL: for max tip. “Design the circuit for the game” and let me know of all the components need to be used in the circuit and the schematics of the circuits, in three days so i could build it for when the code is ready.

Include Comments on, literally, everything.

The program should be working on the following:

Keil uVision5

AT89C51CC03 board microcontroller, Crystal Speed 28.2078 MHz

also, I`m using two 74S138 transistors and one 74244.

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