A. Compose your 50 word summary of the Chapter 2 of naked economics using Word (12 pt. font, double-spaced text

B. Convince us! Write a informative article in which you persuade the reader to eat this food. Include the following informational details:

  • The vitamin and mineral content (including fat/water solubility)
  • Suggested preparation methods (raw, boiled, dehydrated, pan fried, etc) in order to maximize nutritional content
  • Suggested foods which accompany this one to make nutritionally wise combinations and why they are nutritionally wise
  • How the food is produced or grown
  • Health benefits of this food
  • The best local sources of this food and why you think they are the best

Your article should include the following items:

  • A photo of the food
  • References to information not included in your textbook
  • A link to a recipe (that you might actually eat) where this food is a main ingredient
  • Your personal opinion of and experience with this food
  • Both positives and negatives about this food
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