Your job is to follow the rubicks in my subject outline as attached and make sure all is covered so i can score well

at the same time please read through my paper and make any necessary changes if you spot any thanks

Tips for writing a good Operations Report:

Please note:

1. You can change the company and/or the two operation issues/problems.

They can be different from your business proposal, if you are more confident in writing on their two operations issues and your recommendations, with relevant research and critical analysis.

2. The report should have 3000 words excluding Table of Content, References and Appendix (if any). You must have all the following headers for each section listed in your report (these are from the rubrics). Just missing one section will result in the loss of marks for that whole section.

3.You can follow the suggested number of words for each section as stated below with flexibility of 2% to 5% more or less but the whole report should be 3,000 words.

Executive Summary (5%) – 300 words

  • The ES should have brief mention of company, identifying the 2 chosen operation issues, with a brief description of problem areas and proposed brief solutions and closing comments/conclusions of report.

Introduction (10%) 300 words (focus on the company that you are writing)

  • Present & History of Company: Start date/Founder /major alliances, mergers, splits etc.
  • Mission & Vision Statements
  • Service Quality Culture/Customer Satisfaction/ Employees Engagements/CSR Principles
  • Service /Products/capabilities/achievements/awards received/newsworthy mentions
  • Major challenges and difficulties faced by company and/or industry

Operational Problem 1 (15%) – 700 words

E.g. Service Quality

  • Clearly identify issue one and put under sub-header e.g. Service Quality
  • Give definition of Service Quality and relevant background information e.g. some relevant theories on Service Quality and the areas it covers etc. (cite academic sources based on research/ lecture notes etc.)
  • Identify specific operational SQ problems and describe them, with details and examples. Cite Sources…e.g. From Consumer/Hotel reviews, Quality Digest, Trip Advisor, newspapers etc.
  • Examples of SQ problems maybe in missed baggage, cancelled bookings, rude, incompetent service, late service, poor or non- existence service recovery etc.
  • Some analysis of above problems is needed e.g. significance and impact of issues etc

Operation Problem 2 (15%) – 700 words

  • Same as above/Clearly identify issue 2 and put under sub-header
  • E.g. Sustainability Management or Public Relations or Human Resources Management

Literature Review, Research and Analysis (15%) – 500 words

  • Relevant and current literature review / business news from reliable resources associated and relevant to the identified problems/issues. Do not use Wikipedia
  • Show research breadth and depth of problems/issues
  • Critical analysis / valuation of problems/issues

Conclusions (20%) – 500 words

  • Relevant and feasible recommendations and solutions of the problems. You can also state Pros and Cons of your recommendations / solutions.

Writing Skills (10%)

  • Write in a formal academic style…Do not use first person “I” . All information must come from a source with in-text citation and list in References.

Referencing (5%)

  • Use APA style referencing. If you are not sure, follow Library Guide APA in LearnJCU: Go JCU website click on Library and search APA referencing.

Presentation (5%)

  • Follow the format as outlined in Assessment

Please keep up with your good work and studies.

Happy weekend to all.

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