Greetings, in this assignment you will have to answer each question with at least with three sentences except Q2 and Q3 they might need more. The format is Bold question and the answers should be under each question with the same order. Please avoid plaigrism and no outside sources needed. I’ll upload the materials u need for the assignment,references page is not necessary also the cover page.

Here are the questions

1-Distinguish between criminal law and civil law. Provide examples of each type of law.

2-Compare and contrast the different legal standards of proof.

3-Distinguish between substantive law and procedural law. Provide examples of each type of law.

4-What is the significance of stare decisis?

5-Explain why procedural rights are important to those accused of crimes and to the efficiency of the criminal justice system.

6-Describe the procedural rights of the accused that are contained in the Fourth Amendment. Provide an example.

7-Describe the procedural rights of the accused that are contained in the Fifth Amendment. Provide an example.

8-Describe the procedural rights of the accused that are contained in the Sixth Amendment. Provide an example.

9-Describe the procedural rights of the accused that are contained in the Eighth Amendment. Provide an example

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