Review the Health Care Economics Issues HMO Simulation.

In the simulation, select either Construct it or E-editor for analysis to complete your paper.

As a representative of Castor Insurance, your job is to maximize profit and minimize risk for the company.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:

  • Present a profile of the chosen company. Include the following:
    • Demographics of the employees
      • Health care risk factors or potential areas of high usage
    • Premiums the company is willing to pay
    • Analysis used to evaluate the employees and health care risk factors
  • Based on your analysis of potential usage, provide the following:
    • At least 2 reasons each plan could be selected
    • State which plan to sell to your chosen company
      • What are the reasons for this decision?
      • Why did you decide against the other plans offered?

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Once this assignment has been accepted I will attached the materials needed.

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