Application: Analyzing Outcome Assessments

Outcome assessments provide data with respect to the progress of an individual. In other words, they assess the impact of the counselor’s interactions with the individual. The results of outcome assessments reflect what has changed, and to what degree, with regard to a particular individual’s identifying problem. Examples of outcomes include individual satisfaction with services, number of sessions attended, and specific behavior changes.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

Select one outcome assessment from the sources provided:

  1. OQ 45.2 (Outcome Questionnaire)
    Search the MMY database for this outcome assessment.
  2. Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS)
    Bates, M. P. (2001). The Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS): Review and current status. Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review, 4(1), 63–84.
  3. Target Symptom Rating
    Barber, C. C., Neese, D. T., Coyne, L., Fultz, J., & Fonagy, P. (2002). The Target Symptom Rating: A brief clinical measure of acute psychiatric symptoms in children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 31(2), 181–192.

Provide an example of how you might use the chosen outcome assessment with a client.

Explain how you would describe the outcome assessment to a client with whom you would use the chosen assessment. In your description, include:

  • Any evidence for validity in this assessment.
  • How reliability is demonstrated in this assessment.
  • The types of scores this assessment provides.
  • Any benefits and/or possible limitations of this assessment.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, in APA style, all references used within your Assignment.

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