For this interactive assignment, you will take on the role of a supervisor in either a law enforcement agency or a correctional organization. Once you have chosen your role, you must draft an executive summary in an attempt to redirect efforts by decision makers within the state government who wish to cut your organization’s operations budget. Your executive summary must address issues pertaining to supply, demand, competition, and cost minimization in order to influence those in the state government who would approve or reject the proposed budgetary cuts. (A Sample Executive Summary (Links to an external site.) is provided by the Ashford Writing Center for your convenience.)

Create a one-page, double-spaced executive summary document applicable to your selected agency. Include the following content in your document:

  • Explain the elements of public finance and budget management as applied to your selected organization including how equilibrium, price, and quantity will change if supply or demand for service is altered within your organization.
  • Briefly analyze the technical aspects of budgeting and finance and explain how competition within your selected organization currently exists and how this affects the market value of the services provided by your agency.
  • Evaluate the financial constraints that arise in budgeting due to equilibrium and competition within your chosen organization.
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