X: A Fabulous Child’s Story

This week’s Weekly Discussion is a famous short story called “X: A Fabulous Child’s Story”. What this video telling of this story, then respond to any five (5) of the following questions/ statements as they related to this week’s textbook chapter content:

Explain how cognitive development theories, as discussed in the textbook, can explain Baby X’s experiences. Explain how gender social learning theory, as discussed in the textbook, can explain Baby X’s experiences. Discuss how gendered play environments, as discussed in the textbook, could inform Baby X’s experiences with gender. Discuss how media influences, as discussed in the textbook, could inform Baby X’s experiences with gender. Explain how children’s television programming specifically influences gendered behaviors– be sure to link it to Baby X’s experiences and the research. Consider the importance of peer influences as discussed in the textbook- what kinds of issues could arise for Baby X? Consider the discussion about ethnicity and social class in the textbook- what kinds of issues would arise for Baby X if he/ she were not white or middle class


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