Outcomes of Analyses

For this assignment, you will describe the results of your need, task, and learner analyses for the problem you identified in this week’s discussion. If you are concerned or received feedback that your problem is not appropriate, contact your instructor via email for clarification.

Your assignment should answer the questions on page 53 (needs analysis), page 67 (task analysis), and pages 83-84 (learner analysis) of our course text. While these questions are presented individually in bullet and numbered formats, your assignment does not have to respond in the same format.`

The project can be in any format (video, slides, etc.), so feel free to be creative as long as each of the required elements is included. If you choose a format hosted on the internet, submit a Word document containing the link. Ensure that the project is publicly available or provides the required access information.

The project should include at least one reference to scholarly sources that supported your work. If you choose to submit a written manuscript, the document must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center and must include title and reference pages. Other formats should include APA-formatted citations as appropriate within the text and a reference list at the end. Please ask your instructor if you need additional guidance about how to incorporate sources into your project.


You DO NOT Need to use all resources, only the ones you feel would best fit this assignment.


  • Brown, A. & Green, T. (2011). The essentials of instructional design: Connecting fundamental principles with process
    and practice
    . (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
    • Chapter 3: Needs Analysis (Will be uploaded)
    • Chapter 4: Task Analysis (Will be uploaded)
    • Chapter 5: Learner Analysis (Will be uploaded)



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