Annotated Bibliography

Prepare a list of a minimum of six sources. Three of your sources must be academic, scholarly articles. The sources should contain the following information in the following order

Each source should be cited in correct APA documentation style depending on the area of your research.

After the full citation of each source, you should write a summary of the sources key points. In addition, you should include selected quotations that may be used within your paper.

Following your summary, include your evaluation of the quality of the source and how you will use the source in your paper. In other words, what linking assumptions would you need to make in your own words to help the reader understand how this source supports your position.

In Trimbur’s text, a sample of two sources used in an Annotated Bibliography can be found on pages 429 and 430. Use this example as a guide for how your annotated bibliography should look.

Statement of Purpose

After your summary of all your sources, you should have a clearer picture of the points that you will want to make in your own paper. Page 431 has an example of a statement of purpose. Use this example to help you write your own statement of purpose following your annotated sources.

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