• Social order is an ideal type. Define ideal type and then define the meaning of social order.

2. By historical record, society is subject to change. Change is inevitable. What do you have to say about that in terms of the forces that resist change and the forces that create change?

3. Human history does reveal that radical changes of society in terms of revolution or radical social reform though infrequent, do occur. Give examples. Can you distinguish the difference between revolution and reform?

4. Which outstanding persons promoting peace, democracy and equality come to mind when you consider the charismatic leaders. who did challenge their societies in significant ways? (Select any two from my lecture or choose your own. If you choose Martin Luther King as one of the them, explain what he meant by the need of our society to arrive at a revolution of values)

5. Between functionalism and conflict theory, which perspective is most helpful for you in the understanding the social order of American society?

6.How would you define propaganda? Is it possible to advocate a position that is factually correct that isn’t propaganda?

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