Make sure that your initial response to the question contains at least 2 cited academic sources to support the ideas that you raise.
(1) In considering various forms of psychopathology researchers have often focused on the role of social and psychological variables. In recent years, however, many studies have been conducted which have investigated the role of biological factors as they relate to different forms of child/adolescent psychopathology (e.g., mental retardation, ADHD, autism, anorexia nervosa, etc.). Discuss the evidence that biological factors contribute to childhood psychopathology, focusing primarily on ADHD. In your answer you should cite evidence related to the role of such factors in a range of disorders with “biological’ being considered in the broad sense of the word (e.g., genetic, structural, biochemical, etc.). Critically evaluate the research findings you cite.
(2) Many social scientists have commented on the adult hypocrisy that can accompany childhood socialization. For example, “Do as I say, not as I do” has been around for a long time. One of the topics in this chapter is substance abuse problems among children and adolescents. Some years ago, one of the Drug Council public service messages on television depicted a father who had caught his son in the act of using marijuana. The father, in an agitated and incredulous tone of voice, announces: “Where did you get this?!……where did you find out about this stuff?!” The imp replies in an anguished tone: “I learned it from YOU!!……that’s where I got it……from YOU!!” I would like for you to share how they feel about this kind of hypocrisy and how you think childhood and adolescent socialization contributes to conduct problems
300 words min for each question
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