Part 1: (600 words)

  • Define the following terms and show their significance to international marketing:
  • Debate the issue of global versus adapted products for the international market:
  • The text discusses stereotypes, ethnocentrism, degree of economic development, and fads as the basis for generalization about country-of-origin effect on product perception. Explain each and give example
  • Discuss product alternatives and the three marketing strategies: domestic market extension multidomestic market and global market strategies
  • Discuss the different promotional strategies available to an international marketer
  • Assume you are deciding to go international, outline the steps you would take to help you decide on a product line
  • Product can be adapted physically and culturally for foreign markets. Discuss
  • What are the three major components of a product? Discuss the importance to product adaption
  • How can the knowledge of the diffusion of innovation help a product manager plan his international investments?
  • If the product sells in Dallas, it will sell in Tokyo or Berlin. Comment

Product diffusion

Product component model


Global brands

Part 2: (600 words)

. 1. Do you think that eventually all marketing research will be done with mobile devices? Why or why not?

2. Explain the relationship between blogs, MROCs, and marketing research.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online focus groups.

4. Do you think that a company such as Caterpillar could benefit from web community research? Ford? United Airlines?

5. Discuss the popularity of online survey research. Why is it so popular?

6. Describe some ways to recruit for online panels.

7. How does one avoid professional survey takers with online panels?

8. Is panel management a critical task for a quality online panel? 9. What are the keys to a good mobile survey?

10. What is geofencing, and how can it be used in survey research?

11. Explain the difference between a traditional marketing research survey and a social media community research project.

12. How can one conduct a focus group using Facebook?

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