PLEASE READ CAREFULLY…Develop a PowerPoint presentation answering the “Thinking Critically” questions listed below:
1. What are the advantages of McDonaldizing the police, courts, and corrections?
2. What are the dis advantages of McDonaldizing the police, courts and corrections?
3. If you could choose one of these to McDonaldize, which one would it be? Why?
4. If you could choose one of these that it would be a bad idea to McDonaldize which one would it be? Why?
5. In U.S. criminal justice better or worse off because of McDonaldization?
Your presentation should include the following elements:
- Title slide (including title of your article, your name, and the course number) The title is McDonaldization of America’s Police, Courts, and Corrections
- Summary of the content of the article (1 slide)
- PLEASE NOTE: The summary should NOT be a condensed version of Ritzer’s introduction to the text. Using his text will be considered plagiarism, and result in afor the assignment and be reported to the Academic Standards Committee.
- At least one slide and no more than 3 slides for each discussion question at the end of the reading.
- PLEASE NOTE: It is recommended that you use your textbook and other valid outside sources, properly cited in ASA, APA, or MLA format, to support your answers. The McDonaldization LibGuide contains an extensive list of books, websites, journal articles, and other articles from newspapers and magazines that you can use. Please do NOT include videos.
- References slide: list all the outside sources you used in your presentation, including the reference for your article, in proper ASA, APA, or MLA format.
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