Agriculture, slavery and Cotton
We have explored the Arkansas territory and how it evolved into Statehood! Robert Crittenden is a key figure and according to Jeannie Whayne, “Arkansas was not an empty frontier that might serve as a dumping ground for eastern Indians, it becomes a way station for Indians on voluntary or forced westward treks.” However, I think if you asked most people what Arkansas was known for it would be Agriculture, Slavery and Cotton. Although the end of the Civil War saw the end of slavery, agriculture and cotton continue to be a “staple” even up to the present time.
What do you think is meant by the term “Cotton Culture?” Does this culture shape Arkansas? Is cotton particular to one part of the State? Here is a useful link: However, look in the index of our text; Arkansas: A Narrative History under Cotton.
This assignment is a blog entry. It must be at least four pages double spaced 11 point font, either times roman or ariel. Please do your work in microsoft word and attach it. Use our text, the link I have provided and OTHER sources you can find and tell me what you think is meant by the term “Cotton Culture” and how it applies to Arkansas. Here is a guide to writing a definition paper.
What about slavery? Is practice of slave holding the same throughout the State? How does the end of the Civil War affect this abhorrent institution in Arkansas?
What about slavery? Is practice of slave holding the same throughout the State? How does the end of the Civil War affect this abhorrent institution in Arkansas?
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