I have enclosed the table for the guideline of what it should be like. Please use the chart to input the responses. Also use the ACA code of ethics newer version book.

Your manager has given you a new assignment. It is time to update the employee handbook. You will be creating information to add to the handbook. You are to outline the following:

Table 1:

Provide information and support for a proposed Computer and Internet Use policy. Discuss the important factors to be considered when creating a Computer and Internet Use policy and why they are important. Remember, you are trying to convince your manager to use your language in the handbook update, so support your position.

Table 2:

Draft language for a proposed organizational standard for ethical decision making. This should describe a step-by-step process for making critical decisions about potential ethical issues faced by counselors. This process should include, where appropriate, reference to the ethical code at the state level or a model code from a nationally recognized organization.


school table school ethical decisions school internet use policy

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