Project Title: “Using Virtual Reality Technology for Online Shopping”

Literature Review is a critical evaluation of peer-reviewed articles, texts, and other sources relevant to your research. Most Action Research (AR) topics are very specific, you will most likely need to generalize your topics. For example, if your AR project involves collecting business requirements for a new system, you may not find academic research about collecting business requirements for a new system, but may find information about change management or project management. The paper must contain a minimum of eight (8) peer-reviewed references published within the past 5 years.

Literature Review Content:

  • Subject or issue overview (do not rewrite the introduction)
  • Categorized or themed presentation of material supporting and refuting the subject or issue
  • Critical review and comparison of each referenced work
  • Conclusions based on the facts in the literature review
  • Literature review should contain 3-4 pages of content

Proposal Content: This is your plan – review the template, which should provide you with some common ideas regarding how to document your proposal

  • Briefly summarize (a paragraph or two for) each of the proposed (AR) iteration (at least 4 iterations)
  • Include a visual representation – (example provided in template)

The paper should contain at least 6-7 pages of content not count title page, table page and a reference page.

Paper Requirements:

* Table of contents, Introduction, conclusion and sub headings are mandatory

* APA Format should follow all APA rules (citations, quotations, references)

* Follow Template

* No Plagiarism

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