To prepare for this Assignment, identify and research a business ethics crisis for scandal. You may want to review Chapter 13 and Case 13 of Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, and Bryce (2016) for ideas, as well as the Walden Library databases. Consider how a strategic decision can negatively impact social change and how infusing ethics into business strategy can help prevent crises.

Submit a 5- to 7-page paper evaluating business ethics within the context of positive social change. Your evaluation should address the following:

  • What are the essential details of the event, and what do you see as the causes of the crisis and/or negative impact to society?
  • Where do you see failures in corporate governance?
  • What caused the failures in the ethical culture and climate of the company?
  • What ethical policy might prevent this scenario from occurring in the future?
  • If you were a leader within this company, what choices would you have made differently to effect positive social change?

Please Note: For each page of your paper, you must include a minimum of two APA-formatted scholarly citations.

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